About the Charity...
Mallam Charity Inc. has been named after the late founder Sulemana Mallam Sawadogo.
Sulemana M, Sawadogo was born in West African Country of Upper Volta, now known as Burkina Faso.As a young man looking for better conditions of life, he left his native Burkina Faso and headed east to Ghana.
In 1945, he settled in the western town of Sunyani and found work as road construction agent. He bought a piece of land 17 miles away from Sunyani and converted into a farming community.
He then created a small town called Mallamkrom (named after him). As the community grew he realized how important it was for the young people to get education. It was this passion for education that prompted him to build the school, a school from 1st to 9th grade. He paid the teachers from his own pocket and supplied free books.
It is only in the late years that government of Ghana recognizes his efforts, and he handed over the administration to the government of Ghana for free of charge. Up to today, Mallamkrom L.A Middle school had educated more then 500,000 children, some of the students were capable to continue to colleges all over Ghana and around the world.
More importantly, Mallam LA Middle School needs renovation towards the future that would continues the good work of my father started. The main renovation is to build a vocational training institute for the youth in Mallamkrom LA Middle School that would able the grow community to continue education after Middle School.
In the other words, due to sterner poverty the youth need help to be train in vocational jobs that can help them to obtain a good future.